Watch max from around the world
Yes, you can unblock and watch max outside the USA with Getflix Smart DNS & Smart VPN networks. Get started free here.
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Max is an American subscription video on demand streaming service owned by AT&T through the WarnerMedia Direct subsidiary of WarnerMedia, and was first launched on May 27, 2020 as HBO Max. Since the April 2022 merger of WarnerMedia with Discovery, Inc. to form Warner Bros. Discovery, the service is one of the combined company's two flagship streaming services aunched first in the U.S. on May 23, 2023, simplifying the service name into Max and adding more Discovery content among other new series and films. It principally serves as a content hub for WarnerMedia's various film and television properties, offering a range of original programming and library content from the company as well as additional content licensed through third-party distributors.
WarnerMedia oplyste, at tjenesten ville have 10.000 timers indhold ved lanceringen, herunder førstekørsels- og biblioteksindhold fra navnebror HBO (herunder dens originale serie, dokumentarfilm og tilbud) og indhold fra virksomhedens andre mærker og netværk.
WarnerMedia erklærede, at tjenesten ville have over 2.000 film tilgængelige ved lanceringen, herunder HBO's eksisterende betalings-tv-rettigheder, der kommer fra studier, herunder søsterselskab Warner Bros. Pictures, Universal Pictures og 20th Century Studios (de to sidstnævnte har respektive outputaftaler med HBO indtil 2022; film fra det 20. århundrede vil flytte til Disney + og Hulu, når dets produktionsaftale udløber , mens fremtidige rettigheder til Universal-film stadig er til forhandling.
As with HBO's previous streaming platforms, HBO Go and HBO Now (but as opposed to its platforms on Apple TV Channels and Amazon Video Channels), max is not expected to include feeds of HBO's linear cable channels, nor is it expected to include any content (including original programming) from Cinemax, which will concurrently wind down its original programming efforts as WarnerMedia reallocates its programming investments towards HBO Max and, eventually, max. Most paying HBO subscribers were automatically upgraded or switched from their HBO Max accounts to max when the platform was released. That’s because HBO Max was phased out while HBO Now was rebranded to just HBO. Your account credentials for HBO Max should still work for max, but you’ll need to download a new app.
Originalt produceret indhold vil være under banneret Max Originals , herunder serier,film og tilbud. Tjenesten indeholder også mange knudepunkter for animeret programmering, der i vid udstrækning trækker fra bibliotekerne i Warner Bros. Animation (herunder Looney Tunes-franchisen og Hanna-Barbera-produktioner) og Cartoon Network sammen med Adult Swim. Uden for WarnerMedia tilbyder tjenesten også titler fra The Criterion Collection, BBC Studios, Comedy Central, New Line, DC, CNN, TNT, TBS, truTV, Crunchyroll, Rooster Teeth, et kurateret udvalg af klassiske film i partnerskab med TCM og meget mere.
Max is free for AT&T customers who are already subscribed to HBO. AT&T customers with some newer unlimited plans also have free access to max, which is available on most Apple devices, including Apple TV, Android TV devices, Chromebooks, Google Chromecast and Chromecast, Xbox Series X, and even YouTube TV. After launching HBO Max without compatibility with Amazon Fire TV Stick, it was finally made available on the Fire TV Stick in November 2020, and in December it added support for Roku and PlayStation 5, giving max a very broad reach in terms of devices.
The original US version of max is geo-blocked and it cannot be streamed outside the US. Therefore, if you want to watch max from other parts of the world (whether on holiday or business), you need to use Smart DNS to stream its original US content. Otherwise, your IP will get detected as not coming from the US territory and you won’t be able to access any of the max great shows. What you need to do is to redirect part of the traffic which is responsible for your location through a special server located in the USA. This is exactly what Getflix Smart DNS does.
Unblock max outside the US with Getflix Smart DNS
As you probably know, if you attempt to access max from outside the US, you will see its localized version and the US content will not be available from your location. Our solution is quite sophisticated technically but very easy to set up on numerous operating systems and devices.
Alt du skal gøre er at tilmelde dig Getflix (du har 14 dages helt gratis prøveperiode for at teste vores service), konfigurere din enhed eller din hjemmerouter og begynde at streame fra hvor som helst i verden. Din oprindelige IP er ikke ændret, så du kan gennemse dine lokale hjemmesider så godt. Løsningen sænker heller ikke din forbindelseshastighed, og du kan få adgang til mange geobegrænsede tjenester, der er tilgængelige med Getflix.
Hvis du tilfældigvis løber ind i problemer med konfigurationen, kan du besøge vores vidensbase, som indeholder adskillige artikler, der beskriver mulige problemer og deres løsninger eller blot bede os om hjælp ved at åbne e-mail-billetten. Vores ingeniører og supportteknikere er altid her for at hjælpe dig med eventuelle problemer, du måtte støde på.
How to watch max using Getflix Smart VPN
If you’re looking for additional protection of your online activities (for example, when you travel and have to access your private email account or launch your favorite streaming service in a hotel, airport or any other public area), we have a perfect solution for you, too. It’s called Smart VPN and it allows you to access geo-restricted services like max on the go.
Smart VPN omdirigerer din trafik via en dedikeret server og krypterer dine data. På denne måde kan du være sikker på, at din adgangskode til en bankapp eller en vigtig fil i din virksomheds e-mail er sikker. Dine onlineaktiviteter forbliver anonyme og sikre.
Smart VPN is available for all our regular subscribers so make sure to continue using our services after the trial period to have access to the best streaming platforms available on the web, including max. Join Getflix and make best use of both our solution to access geo-located services.
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